About me

I am a tenure-track assistant professor in the AI Trust at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I recevied my Ph.D. degree from the Pennsylvania State University under the supervision of Dr. Suhang Wang. I obtained my Master of AI degree from Computer Science Department at KU Leuven. I received my Bachelor Degree from the University of Science and Technology of China.

[Ph.D. student and Research Assistant Positions available]

I am seeking highly self-motivated Ph.D. students and Research Assistants to join my team starting in Fall 2025. Candidates with solid backgrounds in data mining, machine learning, mathematics and other related fields are encouraged to apply. If interested, please email me (enyandai@hkust-gz.edu.cn) your CV and transcript, kindly using the subject line "[Ph.D./RA Application - your name]."

Research Directions at (Trust & Application AI Lab)

The overview of the research directions are listed following. More details can be referred in my research statement.

Fake Health News Dataset Repository

Summary of Prior Works


Fair Graph Neural Network (WSDM-21) Paper Code

Privacy Preserving FairGNN (TKDE) Paper

Sensitive Attribute Protection (TKDE) Paper
Membership Privacy Protection (KDD-23) Paper
Deep IP Protection (Preprint) Paper
Label Noise-Resistant GNN (KDD-21) Paper Code
Defend Structural Noise (WSDM-22) Paper Code
Unnoticeable Graph Backdoor (WWW-23) Paper Code

Trustworthy Graph Learning

A Comprehensive Survey of Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks: Privacy, Robustness, Fairness, and Explainability. Paper

Graph-Augmented AI for Social Good

Fake Health News Dataset Repository

Fake Health News Repository with Social Network Context (ICWMS-20) Paper Dataset

Graph-Augmented Anomaly Detection on Power Grids

Graph-Augmented Anomaly Detection on Power Grids (ICLR-22) Paper Code

Recent Blogs

Invited Talks

  • 06/2023: “Towards Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks in Fairness, Robustness, and Privacy” at University of Science and Technology of China
  • 08/2022: “Graph Structure Learning for Robustness” at Amazon
  • 06/2022: “Fairness and Explainability in Graph Neural Networks” at DataFunSummit2022
